# check battery charge
rate=$(sed -n 4p /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state | sed 's/ \+/$/g' | cut -d$ -f3)
left=$(sed -n 5p /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state | sed 's/ \+/$/g' | cut -d$ -f3)
left=$(echo -e $left \* 60 / $rate | bc)
echo $left "mins left"
[Edited 2013-01-27]
I have modified the script to add a check if the laptop is plugged in and charging. If so, exit gracefully with calculating the remaining time left.
# skip if charging
state=$(cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state | sed -n 3p | awk '{print $3}')
if [ $state == 'charging' ]; then
echo 'charging'
exit 0
# check battery charge
rate=$(sed -n 4p /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state | sed 's/ \+/$/g' | cut -d$ -f3)
left=$(sed -n 5p /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state | sed 's/ \+/$/g' | cut -d$ -f3)
mins=$(echo -e $left \* 60 / $rate | bc)
echo $mins "mins left"
[Edited 2013-04-10]
The Linux distro in this post is Backtrack 5 Release 3.
I have modified the script to add a check if the laptop is plugged in and charging. If so, exit gracefully with calculating the remaining time left.
# skip if charging
state=$(cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state | sed -n 3p | awk '{print $3}')
if [ $state == 'charging' ]; then
echo 'charging'
exit 0
# check battery charge
rate=$(sed -n 4p /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state | sed 's/ \+/$/g' | cut -d$ -f3)
left=$(sed -n 5p /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state | sed 's/ \+/$/g' | cut -d$ -f3)
mins=$(echo -e $left \* 60 / $rate | bc)
echo $mins "mins left"
[Edited 2013-04-10]
The Linux distro in this post is Backtrack 5 Release 3.